Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cloth Shelf Liners

I just ran across a blog that gave me an idea, and I never thought about this. And I don’t know how well it would work for me. But I like the idea (even if I made them out of vinyl) cloth shelf liners. And then I get the look I want rather than what the stores give me. I am looking for something that actually makes me want to walk in my pantry, rather than runaway and hide from it. And this is what I found over at A Country Farmhouse.

I love, love, love how the lace hangs over the edge. And if this were vinyl how awesome would it be just to wipe it down. I’ve tried the “no slip” liners. And not only are those awful to keep clean, after so many years on the shelf they leave a terrible left over mess when pulling them up to replace.

So hopefully, if I can find the material I will start these asap. And until I figure out how to link a website (anyone have any pointers?), heres the website I found this at,

Monday, October 18, 2010


Ok, so I have started like 3 different blogs and deleted them for one reason or another. First was, I was to embarrassed of my writing skills.  Second was, I didn’t know what to talk about. 3rd, was well sadly I hated the name. So this time, well this is it. And if you don’t like it, well that sucks. Lol But that’s ok, because I’m not writing this just for you! SO hopefully someone will enjoy this, and if not then at least I will! J And if you don’t like my writing skills, well too bad. I’ve given you a warning, no critiquing it. Deal?

So I would love to give you a synopsis of  what this blogs going to be about. And the best I can do is tell you everything. I’m addicted to the homemaker/craft blogs so I have no doubt that it will reflect some of that to an extent. All the way to sharing my crazy dreams with you. Trust me some of them are better that any TV show. J

Thrifty Junkyard Gypsy:
Thrifty: comes from my love of being cheap and frugal. I refuse to pay full price for anything.
Junkyard: Kind of falls in line with the above. But instead, my love is to find something so ugly that you would never want it in your house and then repurpose it, spray paint/decoupage/decorate it so that it becomes your proud centerpiece!
Gypsy: And this comes from more of a family joke. My great grandmother used to tell me great grand father “Jim, don’t start your gypsy shit with me!” I still have not heard what “the gypsy shit” was.